Raul Casas and Delia Muzzulini, Ramon Casas and Rosa Etchegoyhen, Eddy Casas and Teresita Batista, Celia Rodriguez Casas, Chicago 1967Casas family looking at old photos with Mimi (Celia Rodriguez) Christmas 1972
Casas Etchegoyhen Fortieth Wedding Anniversary family portrait 1988Raul, Eddy and Ramon Casas, Chicago, November 1995Ottawa visit of the women of the Casas Etchegoyhen family and Isabel Erviti to mourn death of Teresita Batista, Jan. 2007, top, Margarita, Maria Cristina, Beatriz, Teresa, Maria, Isabel, Celia Rosa. bottom, Eddy, Rositica, Isabel Erviti
50 year reunion 1946 -96 Bachiller de La Salle January 29, Miami Country ClubColegio de La Salle, El Vedado, graduate class 1946 aColegio de La Salle, El Vedado, graduate class 1946 bColegio de La Salle, El Vedado, graduate class 1946 cColegio de La Salle, El Vedado, graduate class 1946 dCoral de la Accion Catolica 1998 reunion, Miami